St Joseph's Church

Lincoln, New Hampshire

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Mass Intentions (Week of March 16th)

for Saturday March 15th through Sunday March 23rd

Saturday, March 15
Vigil of The Second Sunday of Lent

4:30 PM †  Raymond Borgnis                                                                         
By:  Susan Whitman

Sunday, March 16
The Second Sunday of Lent
The Forty-Third Sunday after Pentecost

  7:30 AM  The People of the Parish                                                                                

10:00 AM† Herta Sutton         
By:  Ted Sutton

Wednesday, March 19
8:00 AM† Marty and Cookie Tarnok
By:  The Parishioners of St. Joseph

Thursday, March 20
8:00 AM  † Ruth Catherine Pasman
By:  The Pasman Family

Friday, March 21 NO 8:00 AM  MASS

Saturday, March 22
Vigil of The Third Sunday of Lent

4:30 PM   Michael Wolowski
By:  Jan and Gracie Wolowski

Sunday, March 23
The Third Sunday of Lent
The Forty-Fourth Sunday after Pentecost

 7:30 AM† Charles E. Harrington 
By:  The Parishioners of St. Joseph

10:00 AMThe People of the Parish           

(† Deceased

Lent: Fast, Pray, Give

Let us pray together, as a community of faith, that this Lenten Season will be a time of faith development and growth in the Spirit for us, for all who gather here, and especially for those who have lost their way in faith.

Mass Intentions (Week of Mar 9th)

for Saturday March 8th through Sunday March 16th

Saturday, March 8
Vigil of The First Sunday of Lent

4:30 PM †  Shirley Leclerc                                                                             
By:  Susan Whitman

Sunday, March 9
The First Sunday of Lent
The Forty-Second Sunday after Pentecost

  7:30 AMArmand Therrien                                                  
By:  Parishioners of St. Joseph

  10:00 AM The People of the Parish        

Wednesday, March 12

8:00 AM The Souls of the Faithful Departed
By:  The Parishioners of St. Joseph

Thursday, March 13
8:00 AM Bishop John McCormack
By:  Diocesan Statute

Friday, March 14
8:00 AMThe Souls of the Faithful Departed
By:  Parishioners of St. Joseph

Saturday, March 15
Vigil of The Second Sunday of Lent
4:30 PM †  Raymond Borgnis
By:  Susan Whitman

Sunday, March 16
The Second Sunday of Lent
The Forty-Third Sunday after Pentecost

  7:30 AM The People of the Parish           

10:00 AMHerta Sutton        
By:  Ted Sutton

(† Deceased)


Ash Wednesday, March 5, 2025, and Good Friday, April 18, 2025, are days of universal fast, observed by all who are 18 to 58 years of age, inclusive, permitting medicine, one full meal and two much lighter meals, with nothing to eat in between meals other than water, milk, and juices. 

In addition, both of these holy days are days of full abstinence from meat (unless excused for reasons of health) — as are all Fridays of Lent — binding all who are 14 years of age and older.

Let us pray together, as a community of faith, that this Lenten Season will be a time of faith development and growth in the Spirit for us, for all who gather here, and especially for those who have lost their way in faith.

Holy Season of Lent

Dear Parishioners and Visitors,

Here we are, ready to begin again the holy season of Lent. Throughout these forty days,  we turn our attention to reestablishing the Lord as the center of our lives, through fasting, increased prayer, and special acts of charity.

In his gospel, St. Luke tells us that Jesus began his public ministry when “He came to Nazareth, where he had grown up, and went, according to his custom, into the synagogue on the Sabbath day.” As Catholics, we are called to go to church at least for one hour a week to participate in the Holy Mass. There, we give thanks to God for the many graces He gives so freely to us. Lent is a time for us to reflect on God’s infinite love, and especially to  receive the Eucharist – the real, true, and substantial gift of God’s presence among us.

I invite you to nourish your faith, especially  during Lent. Come to Sunday Mass with your  burdens and your joys! Consider attending daily Mass. Set aside time for a holy hour at Wednesday Adoration. Make time for sacramental confession. Pray with us the Passion of the Lord at Stations of the Cross on Friday evenings.

With prayerful best wishes,

Fr. John Mahoney

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