for Saturday March 22nd through Sunday March 30th
Saturday, March 22
Vigil of The Third Sunday of Lent
4:30 PM Michael Wolowski
By: Jan and Gracie Wolowski
Sunday, March 23
The Third Sunday of Lent
The Forty-Fourth Sunday after Pentecost
7:30 AM † Charles E. Harrington
By: The Parishioners of St. Joseph
10:00 AM The People of the Parish
Wednesday, March 26
8:00 AM † Herta Sutton
By: Ted Sutton
Thursday, March 27
8:00 AM† Tina Sutton
By: Ted Sutton
Friday, March 28
8:00 AM † Pierrette Clermont
By: Barbara Vitale
Saturday, March 29
Vigil of The Fourth Sunday of Lent
4:30 PM† Mary Jane and Clement Comesana, Sr.
By: Ronnie Comesana
Sunday, March 30
The Fourth Sunday of Lent
The Forty-Fifth Sunday after Pentecost
7:30 AM The People of the Parish
10:00 AM† Pierrette Clermont
By: Susan Whitman
(† Deceased)