(603) 931-4611

If you forget your offering or are visiting, you can use text-to-give to make your offering to the church. After you’ve registered, simply text the amount you wish to give.

To register for Text-to-Give:

  1. Text (603) 931-4611 with the amount to give (e.g., 10)
  2. If you’re not already registered, you will receive a registration link. Click the link, enter your contact and payment information, and tap process.
  3. After you’ve registered, you will receive a confirmation text and a receipt via email. For future giving, simply text the amount you wish to give and it will be processed automatically.

Help & Support

If you have questions, please feel free to contact the Parish Office by calling (603) 745-2266 or send an email to stjlincoln@gmail.com.