Lincoln, New Hampshire

Category: Parish Notes (Page 2 of 57)

Mass Intentions for the Week

Vigil of The First Sunday of Advent

Saturday, November 30 4:30 PMMary Jane and Clement Comesana, Sr.          
By:  Ronnie Comesana

The First Sunday of Advent Sunday, December 1
7:30 AMLillian Sweeney                                                     
By:  Margaret and Doug Sweeney
10:00 AM The People of the Parish         

Wednesday, December 4NO MASS / NO ADORATION

Thursday, December 5NO MASS

Friday, December 6NO MASS

Vigil of The Second Sunday of Advent
Saturday, December 7 4:30 PMLisa Brown Gilligan
By:  Donna and Jack Daly

The Twenty-Ninth Sunday after Pentecost
The Second Sunday of Advent Sunday, December 8

 7:30 AM The People of the Parish    
10:00 AMJohn Welch and Family          
By:  Mollie Furtado

(† Deceased)

Mass Intentions for the Week

Vigil of The Solemnity of Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe

Saturday, November 23 4:30 PM Elizabeth Whitman                                               
By:  Susan Whitman

The Twenty-Seventh Sunday after Pentecost

Sunday, November 24 The Solemnity of Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe

7:30 AM The People of the Parish          
10:00 AM † Eileen Latham            
By:  Parishioners of St. Joseph

Wednesday, November 27 8:00 AM Karen Pearce
By:  The O’Brien Family

Thursday, November 28 Thanksgiving Day
8:00 AM The People of the Parish

Friday, November 29 8:00 AM Herta Sutton
By:  Ted Sutton

Vigil of The First Sunday of Advent

Saturday, November 30 4:30 PMMary Jane and Clement Comesana, Sr.
By:  Ronnie Comesana

The Twenty-Eighth Sunday after Pentecost

Sunday, December 1 The First Sunday of Advent
7:30 AM Lillian Sweeney           
By:  Margaret and Doug Sweeney
10:00 AM   The People of the Parish          

(† Deceased)

Mass Intentions for the Week

Vigil of The Thirty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time

Saturday,November 16 4:30 PM † Most Reverend Joseph Gerry,OSB              
By:  Diocesan Statutes

The Twenty-Sixth Sunday after Pentecost
Sunday, November 17 The Thirty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time

7:30 AM   † Huguette Dumont                                                                                 
By:  Marc Dumont
10:00 AM   The People of the Parish          

Wednesday, November 20 8:00 AM Margaret McMillen
By:  The O’Brien Family

Thursday, November 21 8:00 AM† Tina Sutton
By:  Ted Sutton

Friday, November 22 8:00 AM John J. Sweeney
By:  Doug and Margaret Sweeney

Vigil of The Solemnity of Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe

 Saturday, November 23 4:30 PMElizabeth Whitman
By:  Susan Whitman

The Twenty-Seventh Sunday after Pentecost

Sunday, November 24 The Solemnity of Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe

7:30 AM The People of the Parish          
10:00 AM  † Eileen Latham            
By:  Parishioners of St. Joseph

(† Deceased)

Mass Intentions for the Week

Vigil of The Thirty-First Sunday in Ordinary Time
Saturday, November 2 4:30 PM   † Souls of the Faithful Departed of the Parish                                                                     
The Twenty-Fourth Sunday after Pentecost

Sunday, November 3 The Thirty-First Sunday in Ordinary Time

 7:30 AM The People of the Parish                                               
10:00 AMMarguerite Young          
By:  Barbara Vitale

Wednesday, November 6 8:00 AM Chris Maki
By: Ray and Jane Maki

Thursday, November 7 8:00 AMTina Sutton
By:  Ted Sutton

Friday, November 8 8:00 AM The Seminarians of our Diocese

Vigil of The Thirty-Second Sunday in Ordinary Time

Saturday, November 9 4:30 PM Randy Borgnis                                                                  
By:  Susan Whitman

The Twenty-Fifth Sunday after Pentecost

Sunday, November 10 The Thirty-Second Sunday in Ordinary Time

 7:30 AM The People of the Parish          
10:00 AM Denis Desmarais         
By:  Parishioners of St. Joseph

(† Deceased)

Mass Intentions for the Week

Vigil of The Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Saturday, October 26 4:30 PM† Jack and Bridget O’Brien                                             
By:  The O’Brien Family

The Twenty-Third Sunday after Pentecost
Sunday, October 27 The Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time

7:30 AM The People of the Parish                                               
10:00 AM Souls of the Faithful Departed          
By:  The Parishioners of St. Joseph Parish

Wednesday, October 30 8:00 AMDenis Demarais
By:  The Parishioners of St. Joseph

Thursday, October 31 8:00 AM Church Vocations

Friday, November 1 The Solemnity of All Saints
 8:00 AM The People of the Parish

Vigil of The Thirty-First Sunday in Ordinary Time

 Saturday, November 24:30 PM Souls of the Faithful Departed of the Parish

The Twenty-Fourth Sunday after Pentecost
Sunday, November 3 The Thirty-First Sunday in Ordinary Time
7:30 AM The People of the Parish          
10:00 AMMarguerite Young          
By:  Barbara Vitale

(† Deceased)

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