Lincoln, New Hampshire

Category: Parish Notes (Page 1 of 57)

Mass Intentions (Week of Feb 23rd)

for Saturday Feb 22nd through Sunday March 2nd

Saturday, February 22
Vigil of The Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time

  4:30 PM†  Mary Jane and Clement Comesana, Sr.         
By:  Ronnie Comesana

Sunday, February 23
The Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time
The Fortieth Sunday after Pentecost

  7:30 AM † Fr. Bill Bilodeau                                                                             
By:  Diocesan Statutes

   10:00 AM The People of the Parish          

Wednesday, February 26
8:00 AM   † The Souls of the Faithful Departed
By:  The Parishioners of St. Joseph

Thursday, February 27
8:00 AM † The Souls of the Faithful Departed
By:  The Parishioners of St. Joseph

Friday, February 28
8:00 AM † The Souls of the Faithful Departed
By:  The Parishioners of St. Joseph

Saturday, March 1
Vigil of The Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time

 4:30 PM  †  Karen M. Trickett
By:  Jo-Ann Crowe

Sunday, March 2
The Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time
The Forty-First Sunday after Pentecost

  7:30 AM The People of the Parish

 10:00 AM † Michael E. Kneeland, Jr.          
By:  Ed and Priscilla Growney

(† Deceased)

Mass Intentions (Week of Feb 9th)

Saturday, February 8
Vigil of The Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time

 4:30PM  † Dale Whitman                                           
  By:  Susan Whitman

Sunday, February 9
The Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time
The Thirty-Eighth Sunday after Pentecost

7:30 AMThe People of the Parish                   

10:00AM† Mary I. Moniz                                            
By:  Margaret and Doug Sweeney

Wednesday, February 12 8:00 AM   † Tina Sutton                                              
By:  Ted Sutton

Thursday, February 13 8:00AM  † Marty and Cookie Tarnok                          
  By:  The Tarnok Family

Friday, February 14  8:00AM † Rafal Wolowski                               
By:  Jan and Gracie Wolowski

Saturday, February 15
Vigil of The Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time

  4:30PM The People of the Parish                              

Sunday, February 16
The Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time
The Thirty-Ninth Sunday after Pentecost

  7:30AM † Jim Lahey                                                
By:  Michelle Lahey

 10:00AM  † Richard St. Louis, Sr.                      
By:  The Parishioners of St. Joseph

(† Deceased)

Mass Intentions( Week Jan 19)

For Saturday January 18 through Sunday January 26

Saturday, January 18 Vigil of The Second Sunday in Ordinary Time

4:30 PM† Arnold Parker
By: Parishioners of St. Joseph

The Thirty-Fifth Sunday after Pentecost
Sunday, January 19 The Second Sunday in Ordinary Time

7:30 AM† Deceased members of Hajjar & Maki Families
By: Ray and Jane Maki

10:00 AMThe People of the Parish

Wednesday, January 22
8:00 AM † Catherine “Kay” Labrecque
By: The Parishioners of St. Joseph

Thursday, January 23
8:00 AM † Marty and Cookie Tarnok
By: The Tarnok Family

Friday, January 24
8:00 AM† Herta Sutton
By: Ted Sutton

Saturday, January 25-
Vigil of The Third Sunday in Ordinary Time

4:30 PM† Robert Leclerc
By: Susan Whitman

The Thirty-Sixth Sunday after Pentecost

Sunday, January 26 –
The Third Sunday in Ordinary Time

7:30 AMThe People of the Parish

10:00 AM Kay Leland (Living)
By: Donna and Jack Daly

(† Deceased)

Church Doors

On Christmas Eve, Pope Francis once again opened the Holy Door at St. Peter’s Basilica in Rome, signaling the start of the Jubilee Year of Hope, during which 30 million pilgrims are expected to pour into the Basilica to gain an indulgence for the remission of their sins. Concomitantly, Bishop Libasci has decreed a Eucharistic Pilgrimage here in the Diocese of Manchester in the Year of Our Lord 2025 to emphasize and to celebrate the Real Presence of Jesus Christ in the Eucharist. (See the Decree inserted in this week’s edition of the parish bulletin.)

Here at St. Joseph’s Church in Lincoln, we will celebrate in mid-January the installation of new doors on the front of the church building.  The current wooden doors, along with the framing and hardware, have warped and deteriorated to the point of being energy inefficient and too costly to repair.  (You may have heard the doors slamming during Adoration and Holy Mass!) The new doors and framing will be more energy efficient and will provide enhanced security measures, including transparency, better locking mechanisms and push bars to facilitate emergency egress.

There is simply no way to thank Millie Berry sufficiently for her generous contribution of this  new enhancement to the church building.  Millie  has assumed the entire cost of this project, donated in memory of her brother, Bill Berry, and her mother, Mildred Berry. When you see Millie, please offer a word of thanks to her for her gift of the new front doors.

With prayerful best wishes,

Fr. John Mahoney

Mass Intentions for the Week

Vigil of The Second Sunday of Advent

Saturday, December 7 4:30 PMLisa Brown Gilligan                                                  
By:  Donna and Jack Daly

The Twenty-Ninth Sunday after Pentecost
Sunday, December 8 The Second Sunday of Advent

 7:30 AM The People of the Parish                                                                            
10:00 AM † John Welch and Family      
By:  Mollie Furtado

Wednesday, December 11 8:00 AM † Marty and Cookie Tarnok
By: The Tarnok Family

Thursday, December 12 8:00AM Robert MacDonald Prandt
By: The Parishioners of St. Joseph

Friday, December 13 8:00AMMaria-Helene de Laire
By: The Parishioners of St. Joseph

Vigil of The Third Sunday of Advent 
Saturday, December 14 4:30 PM Mary Jane and Clement Comesana, Sr.
By:  Ronnie Comesana

The Thirtieth Sunday after Pentecost
Sunday, December 15 The Third Sunday of Advent

7:30 AMHuguette Dumont           
By:  Marc Dumont
10:00 AM The People of the Parish           
  († Deceased)

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