Dear Parishioners and Visitors,
“Up” is always a good direction to move when seeking a holy encounter. Moses met God atop Mt. Sinai in a unique revelation. The prophet Elijah ended the great drought over Israel atop Mt. Carmel; later, early Christian monks would gather on Mt. Carmel to replicate that heavenly proximity. King David built his temple on Mt. Zion. Jesus climbed Mt. Tabor before his Transfiguration and offered his most memorable sermon on a mount. Modern mountain climbers and skiers still seek the higher view, the wide-open perspective, the big picture. Look up when you visit New Hampshire’s White Mountains! The vistas can be astounding!
And don’t forget to look us up! Visit the Lord of it all when you’re enjoying the area. Here at St. Joseph Roman Catholic Church, just up Main Street, parishioners and visitors appreciate its welcoming spirit, along with the convenience of being in the center of “The Whites.”
In your bulletin today, and at the entrances to the church, you will find postcards of St. Joseph’s Church nestled in the snowy mountains. They were provided by the time, talent, and treasures of Forrest Govoni and Bart and Paula King. Please take some home to post on your refrigerator, prop up on your desk, use as a bookmark, or send to a friend.
Thank you for joining us to worship God in the beauty of His creation – up here in the Whites!
With prayerful best wishes,
Fr. John Mahoney