The Book of Revelation 21:5 says: “And He who sat upon the Throne said: Behold, I make all things new.” Jesus through His redemptive offering of Himself in His suffering and death redeems us and makes us new in Him. “…by His stripes we were healed” Isaiah 54:5.
In Baptism, we have been washed clean through the blood and water that flowed from His side while on the cross, making us a new creation in Him. As we fall short and sin, because of our human nature, the Sacraments of the Church are here to refresh, restore, and renew us. May we continue to make Jesus, in the Eucharist, the source and the summit of our Faith and our Life.
Our Parish Capital Campaign is going strong! See the progress of the Campaign, by the boots trekking the papier-mâché mountain, (made by parishioner, Ms. Annie Anderson) located near the poor box, inside the church. If you haven’t made a contribution or a pledge toward this worthy cause, and would like to support the Parish, please fill out a pledge card (found in the pews and near the mountain) and especially, please pray for its success using the Campaign Prayer (written by parishioner, Ms. Denise Rush)… and “thank you!”
Please consider becoming a Knight. We recently resumed our Knights of Columbus Council here at St. Joseph’s and we have over 30 members. We meet once a month for our business meeting which consists of: prayer, some laughs, and good eats! You may be as active in the Council as you wish. Brochures are near the bulletins and please contact our Grand Knight, David Paradis for more info.
On behalf of the Parish Council, Finance Council, Office Manager: Maria Schirduan, parish staff, and myself, we wish you and your family a Joy-filled Easter! May God continue to Bless our parish family here at St. Joseph’s in the White Mountains!
Fr. Kneeland