Dear Parishioners and Visitors,
Visiting the sick and the homebound of a parish community – and those visiting the parish territory – is one of the more significant aspects of a pastor’s ministry. It has been one of the greatest joys of my priestly vocation to visit the sick and the homebound of St. Joseph’s parish community and its visitors here, whether the parishioner is at home, in a healthcare facility, or hospitalized, and even to visit a family member who is not of the Catholic faith.
As those I visit regularly these days will attest, my pastoral visits – whether Communion calls, confessions, or administering the Sacrament of the Sick – are simple and peaceful occasions for an encounter with Christ. While Thursdays and Fridays are my usual days for pastoral visits, I am happy to stop by and say hello at any time, and I always check your availability and interest before visiting. Remember, please, that the Sacrament of the Sick, formerly referred to as Extreme Unction or the “Last Rites of the Church,” should not be postponed until the time of death is imminent.
The act of visiting those who cannot come to Mass reminds them that they are not alone in their struggles, and that they continue to be valued members of the parish community. Pastoral visits provide a tangible expression of the Church’s care. Please call the parish office at 603-745-2266 if you or a family member would like me to visit.
With prayerful best wishes,
Fr. John Mahoney