Dear Parishioners and Visitors,
Here we are, ready to begin again the holy season of Lent. Throughout these forty days, we turn our attention to reestablishing the Lord as the center of our lives, through fasting, increased prayer, and special acts of charity.
In his gospel, St. Luke tells us that Jesus began his public ministry when “He came to Nazareth, where he had grown up, and went, according to his custom, into the synagogue on the Sabbath day.” As Catholics, we are called to go to church at least for one hour a week to participate in the Holy Mass. There, we give thanks to God for the many graces He gives so freely to us. Lent is a time for us to reflect on God’s infinite love, and especially to receive the Eucharist – the real, true, and substantial gift of God’s presence among us.
I invite you to nourish your faith, especially during Lent. Come to Sunday Mass with your burdens and your joys! Consider attending daily Mass. Set aside time for a holy hour at Wednesday Adoration. Make time for sacramental confession. Pray with us the Passion of the Lord at Stations of the Cross on Friday evenings.
With prayerful best wishes,
Fr. John Mahoney