for Saturday, February 15 through Sunday February 23

Saturday, February 15
Vigil of The Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time

4:30pm The People of the Parish                          

Sunday, February 16
The Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time
The Thirty-Ninth Sunday after Pentecost

7:30am Jim Lahey
By: Michelle Lahey

10:00am Richard St. Louis, Sr.
By: The Parishioners of St. Joseph

Wednesday, February 19

8:00amDr. Sol Hajjar
By: Ray and Jane Maki

Thursday, February 20

8:00am Herta Sutton                                          
By: Ted Sutton

Friday, February 21

8:00amJack and Rosemary Mahoney
By: The Mahoney Family

Saturday, February 22
Vigil of The Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time

 4:30pmMary Jane and Clement Comesana, Sr.
By: Ronnie Comesana

Sunday, February 23
The Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time
The Fortieth Sunday after Pentecost

7:30amFr. Bill Bilodeau
By: Diocesan Statutes

10:00am The People of the Parish

(† = Deceased)