Saturday, February 8
Vigil of The Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time

 4:30PM  † Dale Whitman                                           
  By:  Susan Whitman

Sunday, February 9
The Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time
The Thirty-Eighth Sunday after Pentecost

7:30 AMThe People of the Parish                   

10:00AM† Mary I. Moniz                                            
By:  Margaret and Doug Sweeney

Wednesday, February 12 8:00 AM   † Tina Sutton                                              
By:  Ted Sutton

Thursday, February 13 8:00AM  † Marty and Cookie Tarnok                          
  By:  The Tarnok Family

Friday, February 14  8:00AM † Rafal Wolowski                               
By:  Jan and Gracie Wolowski

Saturday, February 15
Vigil of The Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time

  4:30PM The People of the Parish                              

Sunday, February 16
The Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time
The Thirty-Ninth Sunday after Pentecost

  7:30AM † Jim Lahey                                                
By:  Michelle Lahey

 10:00AM  † Richard St. Louis, Sr.                      
By:  The Parishioners of St. Joseph

(† Deceased)