Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
Please take home one of the calendars available at the church doors. Fr. Leo Burchel terms the new year “a gift from God and a special year of prayer.” What a gift we have as Catholics in the liturgical calendar! Mother Church proposes for us times and seasons in which we attune our sentiments to the sentiments of Christ: repentance and expectation during Advent, humility and joy at Christmas, penance and mercy in Lent, and a grand celebration during the Easter season. We can thus walk step in step with the Church, living the principal mysteries of our faith throughout the year in an atmosphere of communion and solidarity with our fellow Christians. Through the liturgical seasons – and our faith-filled living of them – hearts are united, the Church is built up, and charity increases.
Abundant blessings to all of you in the Jubilee Year of Hope 2025!
Fr. John Mahoney