Dear Parishioners and Visitors:

Among the Body of Christ, there exists a variety of ministries that are especially evident when we gather at Holy Mass on Sundays. By  virtue of Baptism into the life and ministry of Christ, some individuals are called by the Holy Spirit to serve as Lectors and Extraordinary  Ministers of Holy Communion (EMs). Lectors  and EMs are laypersons called forward from the assembly of the faithful in a parish church to   proclaim the Word of God and to assist with the distribution of Holy Communion at Holy Mass.   To serve the assembly and the local Church in these ministries is both an honor and a responsibility. I am grateful to the new Lectors and EMs, who were trained last week, and are prepared now to assume the responsibilities of their respective ministries.

May the Holy Spirit guide and support all of our parish ministers, both those who are serving    under continuing appointments, and especially those newly-appointed and those newly-reappointed Lectors and EMs:

Steven Babin, Jay Bartlett, Millie Berry, Bill Burdin, Mike Cummings, Fran Dietrich, Heidi Dietrich, Jack Gaites, Brian Hewitt, Paula King. Sue Kunkel. Jane Maki. Jo Ann McCarthy, Kathleen McDermott, Maureen Polimeno, Dianne Sepielli, Paula Strickon, Delia Sullivan, Barbara Vitale. Bill Waterhouse

With prayerful best wishes,
Fr. John Mahoney