Dear Parishioners and Visitors,

As you can tell by the posters you see at the church entrances, the 2024 New Hampshire Catholic Appeal (NHCA) is about to “kick off” here at St. Joseph’s. As you recall, the NHCA supports the care for our retired and elderly priests, seminarian education and vocation, Catholic education, evangelization through Parable magazine, the Community Services programs at Catholic Charities NH, and more. Last year, we met our parish’s goal of $15,490, and even received $3,299.77 in rebated funds for donations that exceeded our goal. This year, the parish’s goal is $16,722. Before we even kick off, however, I wish to invite all the parishioners and visitors to pray for financial guidance before giving, as I send along special and prayerful thanks for your anticipated generosity.

God bless,

Fr. John Mahoney