As a parish community, we are blessed to have so many Lectors, Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion, Sacristan/Servers, Greeters, and Collectors, all of whom volunteer to share their faith and time in support of our Masses. Given that so many of our ministers reside outside of New Hampshire – and that many are seasonal ministers – scheduling can become a complex feat. It is beyond me how Paula King has kept it all straight!
I am happy to report that St. Joseph’s will be joining many other parishes by switching to an email scheduling system that will save everyone much time and energy. It’s very easy to use – especially when you need to check your Mass assignments, schedule yourself “away” for any period of time, or to request a substitute at the last minute.
We envision moving away from the manual scheduling method shortly after Easter. Steven Babin will be holding brief tutorials and Q&A sessions in the parish hall after weekend Masses on one Sunday in late March.
With thanks for your cooperation and esteem for your ministry!
Fr. John Mahoney