Saturday, April 2 4:30 PM Paul Boissonneault
By: Judy and Quent Boyle
Sunday, April 3
7:30 AM The People of the Parish
10:00 AM Alice and Arthur Chase
By: Patty, PJ and Casey
Wednesday, April 6 8:00 AM Bridget Thayer
Thursday, April 7 8:00 AM In Honor of St. Joseph
By: Gerry Arcaro
Friday, April 8 8:00 AM Michael Lacovara
By: Joe and Carolyn Papio
Saturday, April 9 4:30 PM Marianne Loranger
By: Doug and Margaret Sweeney
Sunday, April 10
7:30 AM The People of the Parish
10:00 AM Aime Perron
By: Rae Perron