Dear Parishioners and Visitors,
Lent is about one simple thing: turning to Jesus Christ, and him crucified. Lent is our time to journey with Christ, to set our own faces to Jerusalem and accompany him to the cross. Lent is our time to be with the crucified Lord, and to wait quietly with him for the brilliance of the resurrection.
These words are from the Introduction to the daily reflections booklet, “Not by Bread Alone,” that our parish will be using as a daily prayer guide during this Season of Lent 2022. Each day you will hear the voices of two friends – one a seasoned Jesuit priest and the other a married mother of four children – whose different walks of life intersect in a mutual love of God’s word and a shared desire to explore that word with you.
Will this Lent be like all the others? Or will the meditations and prayers offered by Amy Ekeh and Fr. Stegman change your relationship with God and with your family and friends as you journey toward Easter and beyond?
Please take a copy as you exit the church building today. Treasure it.
With prayerful best wishes that you experience a deeper relationship with Christ this Lenten Season,
Fr. John Mahoney