Dear Parishioners and Visitors,
On April 22, 2021, the Parish Finance Council (PFC), members of the Diocesan Finance Office, and I convened via teleconference to review the current financial status of St. Joseph’s Parish, especially as it relates to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. Despite the statistics showing the understandable diminished attendance at weekend Masses, and the fact that we’ve had to utilize $55K of parish savings, your customary and long-term generosity has helped us to meet operating expenses of the parish during this trying term.
2019 – 15,626 attendees
2020 – 5,786 attendees (no Masses in March, April, May, June, July)
2021 – 2,359 attendees (YTD January, February, March, April)
Current Assets as of 4/15/2021
Parish Operating Account $ 8,818
Parish Capital Campaign Savings $ 13,508
Central Fund – Savings $ 92,156
(.5% Interest)
Central Fund – 12 mo CD $ 51,487*
(1.25% Interest)
Central Fund – 24 mo CD $ 52,094*
(1.50% Interest)
Central Fund – Pooled Invest. $ 85,612*
(Annual 4% return)
*Transferred from Capital Campaign savings to higher-yield investments.
As an additional note, please be aware that the Capital Campaign, initiated in September 2017, will expire on July 31, 2021. If you are in a position at this time to honor your pledges, please do so by that date. Thank you!
Members of the PFC have recommended the following: 1) that the parish increase awareness of the weekend Mass schedule among visitors to the Lincoln area, 2) that the parish plan fundraising events to recoup financial losses, and 3) that the passing of collection baskets at weekend liturgies be restored. I am thankful to the members of the PFC for their dedication to St. Joseph’s, and express my gratitude in a special way to Steven Babin for his willingness to organize, schedule, and train a new staff of Collectors, and important ministry in the parish community.
Finally, it is with prayerful gratitude that I thank each of you for your faithful spiritual witness and financial support to the Church and to the charitable endeavors of St. Joseph’s Parish.
With prayerful best wishes,
Fr. John Mahoney