I am happy to announce that the following Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion have been approved and reappointed by Bishop Libasci to administer the Body and Blood of the Lord: Jay Bartlett, Jane Maki, Barbara Vitale, Xena Bartlett, Janet Peltier, Susan Whitman, Peter Eisenhauer, Mary Pieroni, Jan Wolowski, Frederick Germain, Nancy Sweeney.
Limited in scope to the distribution of Holy Communion at Mass at St. Joseph’s Church, and with permission to those institutions immediately served by the Parish, these dedicated Catholics are deputed to faithfully distribute the Eucharist to the People of God under my guidance and direction. May they be strengthened and comforted by the Blessed Sacrament they distribute. These appointments are for a three-year term, expiring on December 31, 2023.
Fr. John Mahoney