June 27th to July 5th 2020
Saturday, June 27 Maree Dorothy Lagasse
req. by Stephen & Barbara Loughman
Sunday, June 28 10:00 am For the Intentions of all parishioners
Monday, June 29 Sam Boyle, Birthday Remembrance
req. By Susan Whitman
Tuesday, June 30 Mildred Berry, Birthday Remembrance
req. by daughter Millie
Wednesday, July 1 8:30 AM Michael Wolowski (living)
req. by Mom & Dad
Thursday, July 2 Connie Gardner
req. by Debbie Moul
Friday, July 3 Richard Griffetti
req. by Larry & Nancy Sweeney
Saturday, July 4 Michael Leclerc
req. by Susan Whitman
Sunday, July 5 10:00 am For the Intentions of all Parishioners