Resources for Church Members:

Our needs change over time as many of us begin to experience mobility limitations, physical impairments and cognitive changes. Other needs arise as well in the midst of global pandemic. Not all seniors have family nearby to assist with their needs, which is where the church community can step up
Here is a great list of ways to plug in to help a senior in need:

Aging-in-Place Assistance:

For those seniors aging in place, you can pitch in to ensure their home is free from hazards.
The Most Common In-Home Injuries for Seniors and How to Prevent The
11 Low-Cost Aging in Place Modifications You Can Do Yourself
4 Questions You Should Ask About Senior Safety At Home

Daily Living Assistance:

The activities of daily living—such as eating, bathing, and dressing—can become challenging without assistance
5 Tasks Seniors Need Help With the Most
18 Quick, Easy and Healthy Meals for Seniors
Protective Face Masks – Resources on Making and Wearing Them
Transportation: What Caregivers Need to Know
Paying for Assistive Technology

Social Isolation Assistance:

6 Ways to Help Seniors Stay Social
How To Avoid Loneliness And Social Isolation For Seniors
What to Put in a Care Package for Seniors
Tips to Help Seniors Boost Physical and Mental Health During Quarantine

Beverly Nelson