Dear Parishioners,
During this time it is very difficult to communicate with everyone. We do receive periodic communications from Bishop Libasci and we will reproduce these in the bulletin which we will place in church over the weekend and be picked up there while the church is open. We will also post these on the parish website. In fact, we will post all communications on the website. Maybe you have a relative and/or friend who does not have access to the internet, so a friendly phone call from you would be a great help.
One question that has arisen is from parishioners who wish to continue their financial support of the parish. The best way at this time, of course, is through online giving. But for those who prefer the traditional method, I would ask that you please mail these to the parish and please indicate on the memo line what the donation is for. I know that you are aware that all regular expenses must be taken care of and we can only do this through your generosity. My expenses are being covered by the diocese so that means a savings to the parish at this time.
If you should have any questions or comments, they can be addressed to me at