Welcome to St Joseph’s Church of Lincoln, New Hampshire.
Over the next few months, certain areas of the church building will be under restricted access due to construction projects and scheduled maintenance. Please avoid “off-limits” areas. Thank you for your cooperation.
Mass Schedule
- Saturday — 4:30pm
- Sunday — 7:30am & 10:00am
- Wednesday, Thursday and Friday — 8:00am
- Saturday — 3:45–4:15pm and by appointment
- Saturday — 3:45–4:15pm and by appointment
Eucharistic Adoration
Wednesdays — 8:30am–12:30pm
Subject to cancellation for funeral liturgies
Stations of the Cross
Please join us at 5:00pm during the Fridays of Lent as we pray and meditate on The Way of the Cross — March 7, 14, 21 & 28; April 4 & 11

On Friday, March 28, the Stations of the Cross will be led by our Faith Formation students, followed by a Soup and Bread Supper in the Parish Hall.
All are welcome!
Winter Weather Notice
Winter weather is here! If the town officials have determined that travel on area roads is unsafe due to stormy weather in Lincoln on Wednesday, Thursday or Friday, and school is cancelled or delayed, there will be NO daily Mass or Adoration (Wednesday) at St. Joseph Church.
Please check WMUR for school cancellations and delays. This safety concern will reduce the chance of accidents, liabilities due slip and fall risks, and will allow for the plow and snow removal crews to properly and adequately remove the snow and treat the parking lot, steps and walkways of the church. Any Mass intentions will be transferred to another day.

We are grateful to all of our parishioners and visitors who have made a gift to the New Hampshire Catholic Appeal on behalf of St. Joseph Parish. your generosity in fulfilling successfully – and even exceeding – our assigned parish goal for the 2024 New Hampshire Catholic Appeal http://www.catholicnh.org/nhca